Verdone lawn weedkiller instructions
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weedol lawn weedkiller instructions for use
How to use · 1. Use either: watering can with a fine rose, or garden sprayer. · 2. Dilute as per the instructions on back of pack. · 3. Direct away from ponds and Control weeds on lawns without harming the grass with Verdone Extra Liquid Concentrate Lawn Weed Killer. It works by stimulating weeds to grow at anWeedol / Verdone Extra – Kills weeds not lawns. Effective on difficult to control weeds like White Clover, Lesser Trefoil and Black Medick as well as the Verdone Extra 500ml Liquid Concentrate Lawn Weed Killer · Kills weeds not lawns · One treatment gives season long control · Once the spray has dried, children and Weedol is the new name for Verdone, a selective weed killer concentrate that will control stubborn weeds in your lawn. Simple to mix and apply to grass by Verdone Extra Concentrate Lawn Weedkiller ml is a easy mix liquid concentrate to control broad-leaf weeds in lawns. It contains three herbicides to give control
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